Book your FREE discovery call today!


Amatullah Akhtar | Registered dietitian & Nutritionist, BSc (Hons), MSci (Hons). ANP, BDA member. HCPC registered.

Qualified dietitian and nutritionist offering 1-to-1 online nutrition consultations.
Whether you want to lose weight, reduce your cholesterol, or simply improve your energy levels, help is just a phone call away.


The right diet has the power to prevent, manage and even help treat the majority of ill-health, including diabetes, cardiovascular disease and even some cancers.

Conflicting dietary advice and misinformation is widespread, making it difficult to know how to eat right to optimise your health. Poor (and sometimes detrimental) nutritional advice can be found all over the internet, even from supposedly reliable sources. Attempting to separate fact from fiction can start to feel overwhelming.If you're interested in optimising your health, book your free 15-minute phone call to find out how we can support you - no strings attached.

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Amatullah has experience working in the NHS as a dietitian and now carries out private consultancy work. Her qualifications include a bachelor’s in Nutrition and Dietetics and a master’s degree in Chemistry.Before specialising in nutrition, Amatullah worked on drug delivery platforms for cancer. She was drawn to the world of nutrition as her research led her to appreciate the role and power of our diets to prevent, manage and even treat disease.At Zuhoor Nutrition, we believe the food we eat has a profound effect on health and wellbeing, with many chronic health problems being diet-related at their root. We want to move past the culture of symptom management and empower our clients to take control of their health through nutrition.

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Book your FREE 15 minute discovery call via the calendar.We would love to discuss how we can support you and answer any questions you may have.


The discovery call is an opportunity to share your concerns and personal goals. It's also a chance for us to get to know each other and ascertain if we would be a good fit to support you on your journey.
After this, we will send you a questionnaire and, in some cases, a food diary to fill out before your appointment so we can make the best use of our time together.
During the initial consultation, we will explore in-depth your health history, goals and motivations. We will come up with a plan which is both tailored to your objectives and customised to your individual needs. For example, this may include a personal diet plan; meal plans; recipes; exercise goals; mood diaries or any other resources as appropriate.
Follow up consultations allow us to monitor your progress and adjust plans as appropriate. We will also provide additional resources as we get closer to your goals. Follow ups additionally allow for ongoing moral support, as needed.
All appointments are virtual, via video call platforms or phone.


Discovery call (15 minutes)FREE
Initial consultation (60 minutes)£70
Follow up consultation (30 minutes)£40
Package (Initial + 2 follow up consultations)£135

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Feel free to drop us a message, we would love to hear from you!

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